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Banish Cellulite!

To eradicate cellulite, you need to be a little active, have a balanced diet… And a miracle homemade recipe?

                        Your best friend to fight cellulite will be… your coffee!

Image: Free Images

Caffeine is the main ingredient in many anti-cellulite creams, which can be quite expensive. After brewing your next cup of coffee in the morning, keep the remaining hot and wet coffee grounds. Next, apply the coffee on the zones where you want to decrease your cellulite. Massage deeply with circular movements, from top to bottom, in order to effectively penetrate your ski which will reduce the orange peel effect.

Repeat this movement for 10 minutes. However, you can also add a tablespoon of olive oil or honey, according to your preference, as this will moisturize your skin.

Repeat this massage every day and you will be able to see its results in one to two weeks! Your skin will be more toned and look firmer.

Image: Free Images

Say hello to your new skin – bright, toned and smooth!


This post was written by Lauriane Nativel, AsiaFitnessToday.com’s intern from La Salle Saint-Charles, Reunion Island.


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