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Free Community Programs

AsiaFitnessToday is committed to creating awareness about fitness, and the importance of physical movement in our daily lives. Ayuh, kawan-kawan, let’s MOVE Asia together!

One of the programs we’ve rolled out, is the MOVE ASIA community campaign. And YOU can be a part of it too!

Step 1: Like & Share

a) www.facebook.com/asiafitnesstoday
b) www.facebook.com/funfitfriday
#MOVELAH #asiafitnesstoday #funfitfriday #workplacewellness

Step 2: Organise your own Fun Fit Friday event at work, in your neighbourhood, at your gym!

Like us on facebook.com/funfitfriday & Share on your wall. Organise your own FunFitFriday community event and tell us about it!

What is Fun Fit Friday? Every Friday, get a group of work colleagues, friends or family together to move, walk, run, hike or cycle for 45-minutes. Then, share the photos on our social media walls to encourage others.

Email us on info@asiafitnesstoday.com if you’d like a Movement Prep / warm up cheat sheet.

Step 3: Sign-up and join AsiaFitnessToday

Sign-up your company and get your co-workers moving at the workplace!

Sign-up as a Certified Fitness Trainer or as a Fitness Buddy and help others.

Sign-up as a Partner and showcase your fitness products/services.

Step 4: Understand, be aware, do something.

Living sedentary lifestyles, working in an office environment with minimal movement, eating unbalanced meals or erratic meal times. Sounds familiar? Obesity is one of Asia’s biggest concerns, but we can each make a difference starting at the workplace.

Did you know, that over a third of the world’s population resides in Asia, and they are now more obese than ever. These figures are alarming and a huge concern for governments and employers because obesity can lead to preventable non-communicable diseases (NCDs), illnesses and absenteeism thus affecting national productivity and mental health of a country’s citizens. At AsiaFitnessToday, we believe that if we start by moving people at the workplace, it’ll create a ripple effect back home and soon, people will use that awareness and be more conscious about how they move, breathe, eat and live.

Adult obesity prevalence in Asia – image copyright Deakin Uni. Australia
The problem is that more people in Asia sit for long hours at work, more people are living sedentary lifestyles and not moving as we are built to… health problems will keep rising unless some major disruption occurs!
Image copyright: www.healthbuzzasia.com
So let’s focus on what CAN be done. And it honestly starts with ourselves.
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