Asia Fitness Today is on a mission to create awareness about why physical movement is essential in our daily lives and it’s doing it via the “#Move8 fitness movement campaign” using RHYTHM & MOVEMENT AS THERAPY. Life is so much more fun when we move to rhythm, and let those positive vibes reverberate throughout every cell in our body. In other words, let’s Move it, LAH…
Let’s Move 8 (it)…
Let’s start in the office! We spend one-third, if not half of our lives in the workplace, so here’s a DO-IT-YOURSELF #MOVE8 Fitness Movement campaign designed for you and your co-workers/colleagues. Fix a date to exercise weekly and keep it going!
People from ALL walks of life can move but if you haven’t for awhile, we recommend you seek professional advise from your certified personal trainer or schedule a demo to learn more. We have a wide network of certified fitness / dance / rhythm trainers that you can book to come to YOU.
Research shows a brisk 30-minute walk every day helps to prevent and control the high blood pressure that causes strokes, reducing the risk by up to 27 percent. Better still, break that into 3 sessions of just 10-minutes intense walk (as though you’re catching a bus) and you’d be amazed at the results!
Step 1: Download any fitness tracker
Step 2: Join a #Move8 event
Click to view events
Step 3: Organise your own #Move8 meetup
Organise your own meetup and tell us about it!
Tip: Every Friday at 6pm, get a group of work colleagues, friends or family together to move, walk, run, hike or cycle for 45-minutes. You can even walk around a mall. Post and share your photos #Move8 to encourage others and spread the movement fever. Remember to #move8lah #funfitfriday #asiafitnesstoday.
Download #Move8 visuals for your own promotional purposes. You may add your logo as well!
FREE #Move8 Dance Movement Tutorial
Move8 Video Tutorial from GoInternationalGroup.com on Vimeo.
Create your own playlist, or use the #Move8 Music Playlist
Step 4: Connect with us, Post & Share your own #Move8 fitness activity

Step 5: Want to do MORE with #Move8?
Sign-up your company and get your co-workers moving at the workplace! Get your management to adopt Fun Fit Friday every Friday at 6pm and get moving! You’d be surprised, more company management are saying YES to employee wellness programs.
Sign-up as a Certified Fitness Trainer or as a Fitness Buddy and help others.
Sign-up as a Business Partner and share your fitness products/services with our community! We love promo codes!
Why 8?
Since you’re here…
We have a request… We’re an independent fitness startup that aims to deliver news, features and articles that can help people in their personal fitness goals. We want to keep our editorial unbiased, well-researched and verified. So you can see why we need to ask for your help. We believe in this cause because we believe we can bring an independent voice to the fitness, wellness and health industry. If you like reading our online magazine, please help support it. Your donation of any amount is highly appreciated and as a token of appreciation, we will send you a download link to our Move8 by AsiaFitnessToday 100-day fitness challenge motivation guide. Thank you.