1. Turmeric root or powder

The Art & Science of Wellness
Eggs are the most efficient superfoods that offer a compact source of calcium, vitamin-D and protein. It’s one of the most inexpensive high quality protein packed with vitamin B2. The egg whites are also rich sources of selenium, vitamin D, B6, B12 and minerals such as zinc, iron and copper. Source: LiveStrong and BBCGoodFood
One of my favourite breakfast combinations, is having two eggs scrambled or poached with a splatter of turmeric powder, pepper and a pinch of salt.
Trying to lose weight? These “slimming beans” are a great source of fibre, protein, and healthy fats. You can boil it with some salt for flavouring and eat it like popcorn, or have it in a broth or soup. The South Indians make a great curry while the Middle Eastern community make hummus out of the chickpeas, or an amazing chicken and chickpea stew, or serve it in their salads. Rich in calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorous, potassium and folic acid, chick peas also contain folates which help in reducing amino acid and homocysteine, has a low glycemic index and are gluten-free! On that note, I’m off now to try out a chick-pea salad recipe!
Hi! I'm Ursula Lee, writer and community manager at Asia Fitness Today. I love my food, my cat and my fitness regime :)
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